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Welcome to Yoga Parinama!

Yoga for Wellbeing and and transformation (Parinama)

News & Offerings!

Hatha Yoga is a general term to define any system of yoga involving body, breath and mind. All the different styles and schools of postural Yoga known today are just an evolution of traditional Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga aims to balance the Ha -tha  (‘Solar’ and ‘lunar’) elements in the body promoting body awareness, flexibility, focus and general well-being.

Vinyasa Flow is a dynamic – flowing style which evolves from traditional Hatha Yoga and Krishnamacharya’s linage of Vinyasa krama, Ashtanga and Viniyoga. In Vinyasa the emphasis is on the breath connected to the movement of postures providing a thread of focus from the beginning to the end of the practice. Vinyasa promotes inner and outer strength, stability and flexibility, balancing the 'Solar and 'Lunar' aspects of Hatha Yoga. The style of Vinyasa taught by Noemi is deeply inspired by Shiva Rea’s ‘Prana Flow' and the teachings of T.K.V Desikachar.

Noemi is a full-time Yoga teacher and Yoga therapist offering classes for groups, one to one and corporations in different locations in London. Her classes are open to all levels of ability and very welcoming to people completely new to the practice of yoga.

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